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Thursday 3 November 2011

Facebook and Twitter- medium that revolutionaries go

Upon reading the article about Facebook and Twitter are just places revolutionaries go by Evgeny Morozov, I came across that some part of it is true.

Facebook & Twitter=Which one you prefer?

Ever since the introduction of Frienster, Facebook, High 5, My Space and Twitter to the public, it begins the trend to create at least one accounts and some multiple accounts just to fill up more friend lists. It all started with the first social network site which is the Friendster where even I myself also do join the community to create an account just for the sake of not left behind and also due to my circle of friends too. According to Evgeny Morozov, he pointed that with all the latest technology devices like smartphones and tablet pc, browsing these social networking websites is never a  problem anymore. Just click and surf…easy and straight to the point.

However, I do agree that social networking that is popular right now like Facebook or Twitter that it is the platform to a revolution. Like for example, our lovely Facebook account, if there is some issue being done in the account, they would targeted by people like protesters. Thousands and thousands all kinds of campaign or face book fan page being created just to attract more activist. Well, one factor could be our local media like newspaper (The Star, New Straits Time, Utusan) where everything is filtered and in today’s world, with the booming and advancement of Internet, people know more that what media says in front of daily news or our newspaper main page. Take our closest protest held this year where Bersih 2.0 demands for clean elections. What is shown on TV, Radio and Newspaper is not 100% true thanks to the online media from the Internet that highlighted the truth especially on what our local police done towards the citizen (kicking, punching, road blocking major highway that causes terrible jam and so on).Do you think if you seeking for truth and are you given the chance to voice out or even show on the newspaper or local TV news? This is the power of facebook and twitter helps in giving people voicing out their dissatisfaction without fearing getting caught!

Then, Facebook & Twitter would definetly greatly helped in getting protests and to let people know, there are human rights and all kinds of rights when someone did wrong.
We could not stand blindly and pretend nothing to happen and this are just only to highlight what went wrong and to let people know that there are such things happen. However, every country does have their own problems like Malaysia, every day we open up the main front newspaper, POLITICS..Never stop….. and for my opinion, I would think that Facebook and Twitter are just a basic social networking that indirectly help many people like for instance an organization. organization these days created an account to keep people up to date on their latest products and so on. Take “Chatime” for instance because of the popularity of drinking pearl milk tea is so crazy among teenagers in Malaysia. So by keeping people stay up to date on latest offerings and new outlets, the company can create a Facebook or a Twitter page to spread their information fast and best of all is to the right target audience. They also can know how many people aware of their company simply by viewing their “Like” page and by “Followers” for Twitter.  

In the nutshell, we cannot say Facebook or Twitter is bad…or simply just banned it like what China does, but it simply depends an INDIVIDUAL on how they uses these tools for up to their needs. 


  1. Hey hey Weng Loong!

    I definitely agree on the fact which Facebook & Twitter has changed many things within a country style of communicating. It has become a revolution in how work, politics, entertainment, safety and everything has changed compared to the past which the internet isn't so active as compared to today. The Facebook & Twitter definitely has given people the chance to have the rights of freedom of speech as you have mentioned. I believe without the existence of these two major dominating sites in the internet today, the way our countries today have progress wouldn't have taken place and probably we be stuck in the older age which the era which the internet activities wasn't as much as compared to today. Even talking about protesting, in some countries protesting is disallowed especially in having to gather the people in a particular location. Thus the Twitter & Facebook has revolutionalize the way people communicate today very importantly and a somehow a place which people wouldn't have to worry much in the authority issues.

  2. Hi Weng Loong!

    I agree wholeheartedly with you that both Facebook & Twitter are merely tools and it's very dependable for the individuals who are using the tool to utilize it, either heading to a positive or negative direction. I believe that the people's motivation is the key into such activities (revolution). Thus, the superiors should really realize the potential of these social networking sites and in the same time, monitor the site so as to detect any dissatisfaction of the people and to solve it before the problem becomes worse.

    It is undoubtedly - as you said - that Internet is now changing the world. Everyone is connected to the Internet in some extent. And now what we can see is the shift of verbal communication to a more "online" style of communication that doesn't require individuals to face each other in order to communicate. Plus, the promoting of freedom of speech by the Internet also further enhance the motivation for individuals to voice out their opinions online, not forgetting that by voicing online also means finding other individuals who are having the same interest and desire as one. And as time goes by, these individuals will come together as a group as realize their motivations, as what we can see with the case of the Arab Spring.

    I had fun reading your writing. Thank you Weng Loong! :)

  3. Hey Weng Loong

    Totally agree that Facebook and Twitter has done more good than bad. Despite they were never intended to so useful to us but the fact that we utilize in such a way has made them a tool for us to practice our freedom of speech and expression. However, the misuse of it can see it creating calamity like the protest that are happening around the world. As I said they were never intended to use this way is how we use it that they become like this.

  4. Hi Weng Loong,

    Noticed, every since the creation of media, the people; us use it to speak our mind.

    The same goes to Twitter and Facebook too. the key to revolution, no doubt.


  5. I agree with your conclusion... "In the nutshell, we cannot say Facebook or Twitter is bad…or simply just banned it like what China does, but it simply depends an INDIVIDUAL on how they uses these tools for up to their needs. "

    We tend to see the cons of many things, especially social networking sites. I like you believe it is how the consumers that consume the technology that gives the meaning to good/bad. These social networking sites have bring about changes, have given campaigns better exposure, gave the world a view of the current updates and given us a platform to share and keep in touch with the world.

    It is how we deal with things that determines how things go. I guess people tend to blame the sin instead of the sinner sometimes due to the failure of not recognizing who's to blame.
