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Friday 4 November 2011

Google's Mr Andy vs Apple OS- That is a serious business

Google= Android =Do YOU ?

Upon spending time on reading the journal by Daniel Roth's write up, where "Google's Open Source OS Will Free the Wireless Web" gave me a whole lot better indepth understanding about the company is. Most people would know that Google is a search engine website... but? They actually owns an operating system that most of the people using these days in their smartphones which is Andriod OS… or sometimes we would refer to the cute little green robot (Mr.Andy).  With almost 13years till date, Google has became a top world’s wanted company and listed high ranking around the world. Not to mentioned with their own smartphones operating system that simply boost up the company’s image as well. No other company can developed and improved so fast especially when involve in making their own operating system that almost problem and bug free up to today’s sales in their smartphone market. However, linking back olden days.. most of us do not know what is a smartphone is OR even majority would uses a cellphone that comes with the company propriety software that includes basic function of a cellphone is. 10years back, we only have smartphones that operating in Symbian OS, and Palm OS. This two operating system were used in most of the high end phones like the Nokia 9210i, Nokia 9500 Communicator series or Sony Ericsson UIQ 8.0. Soon Nokia smartphones begin to strike attention from public with the introduction of their N-Series line up phones like N90,N93 and so on…

Which ?


The joy and excitement for the Finnish company is short as more and more operating system being introduced in the market. It all started with Blackberry’s OS, then Apple Ios, Google Android OS…wait…that’s not all as even the Koreans from Samsung do introduces their own OS which is Bada OS, and then Bill Gates decided to play the game as well by refreshing their Windows Mobile OS to Windows 7 platform. With so many operating systems being introduced, we can see most of the manufacturer has the option to choose what kind of software to install into their smart devices. As for today, we can see the society are becoming more technology savvy especially with all the latest smartphones and tablet pc..and some even say it replaces our conventional laptops too. Well…great innovation isn’t ?

Are you Android or Apple?

If we look around…how many of your friends are using Android and Apple IOS?..Well, from my point of view. I would say Apple iPhone did the best in term of sales as most of my friends are using iPhone and according to them, iPhone provides the best flexibility and best gadget to own compare to other Smartphone in the market. With the strong marketing and influence from Apple, there is no doubt that people switches their current phone just to get an iPhone. However, speaking in terms of the software itself, I would rather say iPhone has a lot of limitations especially their Apple Apps Store where users require to purchase every single application they want that leads to many of the users jailbreak their phone in order to enjoy the apps only. Furthermore, the connectivity is rather limited where as I can recall that iPhone has built in Bluetooth but that feature is only for headset and not for trasfering file. This reminds me of one of my friends that want to transfer a picture to computer and later found out that iPhone does not have the transfer feature. So not user friendly after all….wait that does not count the Bluetooth itself…there are couple of issues too…like offering lower specs function like camera, screen resolution and now bragging about their so call “SIRI” voice recognition?...even earlier Nokia can do that.

Rumor to be releasing new V4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich?)

As for Android, I also would like to point out that, Android platform is purely based on Linux-kernel where there are huge group of developer and programmer to create an operating system. This simply saves time and resulting in fewer bugs in the operating system too. Since Android has an open source market, this would means Android accepts more feedback from the user and customize based on user choice to develop an application and constantly upgrade their application to make sure it is able to run smoothly. If there is anything wrong in a software, users will complain in the Android forum and developers will work on it as soon as possible. Thanks to the Linux based platform, Andriod gets the same treatment I would say....BUT Apple IOS?...Wait,Wait, Wait….oh well...same applications afterall..

Relating back to the write-up, between both software, I would think that the growth of Internet certainly gives the user of more flexibility in using their devices anywhere they one. There will be more freedom for the users as most of the telecommunication companies are offering data plan that simply help in further improvement of the respective software company. However the main differences of these software is mainly the idea and authoritarian towards the development as it simply helps a company in their future development..or where they will stand in few years time. Google is a great example to learn where it all started with 2 guys without any skills BUT what we see today in our Android based phones is simply tremendous from a little hideous search engine that people use to poke fun of it. Today, we see the owns an operating system that most of the major mobile phone company like HTC, Samsung, Motorola, Alcatel, Sony Ericson chooses Android as their major platform because they believe Android and Google will succeed in the future and the best operating system to market their phones too!. (Even Sony Erisson shifted from Symbian to Android)….so what you say?

In the nutshell, the society these days are clearly demanding more and more powerful tools that soon we will see desktops and laptops might even die off in later years..Replacing with smartphones and tablet pc. Google’s route is definitely a good way in terms of earning profitable revenues and getting good repo from people around the world. 
*with the tremendous growth and popularity of Google's Android in the market...I would think that great old operating like Symbian OS, Palm OS, Meamo would eventually forgotten in the future...even now some people do not know there are these operating system in mobile phone...due to strong market share in promoting Android and Apple devices. What do you think? Should other software be continue with further improvement or just make it die off?


  1. Good article, clear description for both products, thumb up, you give me wide of view and i get more knowledge from reading your article.

    Well, “they believe Android and Google will succeed in the future and the best operating system to market their phones too" I totally agree with this, Apple product is too stick to themselves, as we can see they don't like to share to other, it's unique, but it's lack of user's friendly, Apple Users can only stick to Apple users, for the open minded world today, we can search things easily and sharing file everywhere, we can share through email, somehow facebook and even skype. The selfishness of a product cannot stand long, today the IPhone user is the majority, 5 years later, i think android can cross over IPhone. As you mentioned most of the Phone’s company have change to android platform, I believe they can work hard together to flight to Apple.

  2. @siewmun
    thanks...yeap...with Google's Android on flexiblity in letting manufacturer to use their software.. i can see the future of mobile phones and computers could be powered by Android operating systems...furthermore, the current software up to date like v3.0 Honey Comb is almost on level with windows 98? or 2000?..(i assume)..that each of every devices contains word processing software, multitasking, photo editing tool and so on... Plus, the specification of hardware like the processor, graphic cards in Android devices are almost on par with Windows 2000 or XP level back then...wait...back then we don even have "dual core cpu" and 1ghz ram..like the famous Android Samsung Galaxy S II does....=)

  3. Hey Weng Loong

    Android does seem to have a possibly brighter future as to the likes of the iOS of Apple mainly because Android allows for flexibility whereby people could modify the source code to create a completely new OS whilst using Android OS as its base. While the iOS does not intend to share their technology due to fear of it being copied, Google's move to allow the Android to be an open source software gives people more opportunities to customize and personalize it.

  4. Hi Weng Loong!

    Referring to your point of Android as an open-source software in which it allows people to provide feedback, I think that's really important for a mobile device software because with more feedback, it allows the company to alter their system base on what the users want. Plus, if companies are not able to meet the users' expectations, there will be higher tendency for sales to decline. We have to always remember that the mobile device industry is a very competitive industry and the best one mobile device company can do is to understand what the users are expecting or want from the devices and alter base on that in order to ensure that they are still competitive in the market.

    Plus, it is obvious that the Android OS is getting better with newer versions developed. Thus, we can see an obvious shift from iPhone to the Android OS recently. This fact says a lot about the users preference when choosing the mobile software they want. And plus, we must not forget the flexibility of Android OS in allowing the users to customize & personalize its interface as well. In my opinion, compared to iOS, this flexibility of the Android OS is the one feature that truly makes the mobile phone personal.

    I agree with you on your comment with Apple winning in terms of its marketing & advertising strategy, but for a person who looks into functionality rather than strategies, the Android OS will definitely get my vote :)

  5. Hello Weng Loong! Indeed, IPhone is a big hit in the martket nowadays. It's creativity and marketing strategy has succesfully attracted the people which give them a thinking that Iphone is a must item to get. Basically, Android OS is good also, it is just depend on what is the need and wants of people nowadays. Some people might say Google Adroid is good, but some might say it is not as good as the Iphone.

  6. hai Weng Loong, i can see that the Adroid certeinly got your atten this time. As i too will be sighting on the android. This is wholly due to the more flexy nature of the Android such as it is given for free which will eventually colloct feedbacks that would be helpful in the upgrading of it later. The Apple may be gaining its market share very fast, but somewhat we have to remember that it may end in a disaterous result in a long run as the consumers will be expecting more better results. In th Androids case they are more like the tortoise where by they win the rase by being slow and steady with better quality.

  7. I didn't know there were operating systems such as Palm OS, Symbian OS until your blog post :P Regarding your question, I believe if these old systems die off or disappear from the market.. they are somehow the inspiration behind the new products we see in the market today. They live in the very technology we use today. The world we live in today strives on sustainability and keeping in touch with the times. Failing to do so is a big mistake, and for an example, it has cost Borders to file bankruptcy because it refused to go online.

    Apple and Android are both amazing softwares that offer users with high-tech, almost similar technology with different user experience. I guess in the end of the day, the users are the ones selecting the phones they use, and there isn't much anybody can say much about it but to enjoy your purchase without being labelled :)
