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Friday 19 August 2011

The Nature of Networks

For this week's post.. it will be The Nature of Networks by Felix Stadler. (The Nodes and Flows)

We live in the world where everything are connected together. Even your best friend who is currently studying at UK, your cousin is enjoying his vacation at Italy, your parents is having their sweet time at China... we all bound to be connected to each other with one simple word called " Networks". or maybe we could say that human need food to survives other wise we will be dead....and in order to get food there is a source we need to look for eg: Fish comes from the sea and live with other aquatics that depend on each other to survive..or I should call it a food chain reaction.. one depend on another in order to stay alive and get connected in the long run. Reflecting back to Felix Stadler journal that is mainly about "Nodes and Flows", it is said that Digital media acts as an medium that gets us connected anywhere and everywhere whenever we go.. and if I were to think that, without network or the "Nodes & Flows" as mentioned, we would not even born into the world. Everything we do is connected together with beginning and ending. Even a simple phone call would need starting point and ending point to get connected to your loved ones.


whenever there is a connection=there is network

as I read further, I came across to know more than I expected which is the major points that highlighted by Felix Stadler in the Nature of Networks journal.

Every nodes that are connected to each others are called as the communicative process and we are connected to lot of things that is surrounded by our daily life. For example: we wants to live, we need air,...we wants to live, we need food to survive..so whatever you do..its all connected link to the primary source.  The ‘meaning of meaning’ is relationship. (McLuhan; Nevitt, 1972) also does shows that whatever that is being delivers to one nodes to another nodes, the information/data must be clear and well justified too as the data that transfer from one node to another would be meaningful to other people to use it otherwise it would be meaningless.

What do you think of when you hear the word change? Change your new hairstyle? Change to a new computer? or even Change to everybody's favorite Ipad 2?.... or perhaps changing your lifestyle to become a better person? But WAIT!...  Information that flows to one to another may seem unnotifiable because some changes that are too small to be notified but come to think of that, everything you change will effect the whole process of networks afterall....  "One significant changes made, it will changes everything where you would notice it after you done the changes".....and if you were to relate back to the word interdependency like I mentioned earlier.....it would be making more sense that everything is interconnected to form a network or even a piece of information that is going to send out.

 Oh wait!... have you realized how important is time in our daily life? We are given to do whatever we want in within 24 hours a day...including your beauty sleeps that everyone would prefer sleeping longer whenever they are force to wake up in the early of the morning especially to go for classes....BUT come to think of it..... networks are the same as well because, information requires to be transfer to one another nodes and if it fails to reach to other nodes, there would be a delay or failure. Take it for instance like the Internet... User key in "www.apple.com" and the data from the IP address user's need to be send instantly to the main server in order to load the webpage in user's computer...but if the data transfer slowly....oh well good luck to the user as it will take ages to load up the webpage...so every information are timely and there goes the word speedy pops up to form a fast networking world...because people wants information to reach them as fast as possible....what do you say?

 How different would you be compare to your friends? Different in personalities? Different in appearance? or Backgrounds? Just like every thing in this world have the differences in order to differentiate from others.... It can be as simple as a car vs motorcycle...what are the differences anyway? Every information is different and what makes the differences are the content that contain in the information that carries from one node to another nodes.

In the nutshell, how network works will be the same but what matters are the information that is carried from one to another that would certainly changes from time to time. That is one thing cannot be avoided but most importantly , we are all linked together and if one of the data were changed or even lost...huge damage will occur. Networks are just like humans.. we depend on each other to survive...so as networks that depends from one node to other or come to think of it, even your favorite social networking like Facebook & Twitter are all connected together in order to work properly for you to post up your latest update & nice looking pictures........ Adios! Comments for improvement...weeee!


  1. Hi Weng Loong! :)

    When I was reading the journal, I was so focused on the functions of nodes and the flow until I read your writing. You gave me a bigger perspective of the network on the way the nodes contributed in making the network works. Thanks for giving me the bigger picture!

    I agree with your emphasis on the importance of the connections between different platforms on the Internet. These platforms are exactly the components to form the huge Internet network, right? But I do like to add on that these networks consist of all information - a material/currency that is only applicable to the cyberspace. And nodes are important components of keeping these information to flow from one destination to another.

    That's what makes me realize that studying the functions of the nodes as well as the way they work is a basic in understanding the whole network, then, the global network.

    Enjoyed reading your writing (laughed at the beginning of the paragraphs)! :)

  2. @suwern
    thanks so much....do keep laughing as much you can as laughing makes a person live longer.. :-)..

    anyway thanks for pointing out the importance of connections of Internet.. you gave me on idea and more info that I would not even able to think of while I writing this blogpost...as we know..there is always a starting and ending point for an information to flow from one another to another...so it is important to make sure we are connected constantly... disable one....communication will fail....

  3. I never realized that social networking sites are all connected until you mentioned it! Good example! =D

    Flows are like the transport to bring the info everywhere. The transport are all the same but the info is the thing that is different. The same transport but different passenger huh. Cool!! =D

  4. I am agree with the information must be clear before transferring. Getting a false and blurred information can cause misunderstanding and it can cause huge damages. (like what you said at the last paragraph)

    Oh! and i like your food chain example! :)

  5. I agree with your point that in time everything will change as time goes by, there are proofs for this as well, Look at us! Before this, at the very young age we don't really engage in internet activities like today. Like you mention too, we worked with each other to make a better place for us to live in. But we also have to watch out I believe, as time goes by, not necessary things will be better, which is why we must stand up together always and help one another to make this world better place! RAWR!

  6. I too agree with the point of change, let's take the current generation of kids right now, at the age of less then 12 then are equally internet savvy then when were at that age, in fact we don't even know that internet exist back then. Point is that change can go in two direction either for good or for bad or sometimes worst.
