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Friday 4 November 2011

We dont need humans to do the job!

Flash back during our grandparent’s time…and we are so use to listen to their great old time stories like “Do you know? Mother travel 10miles by walking and carrying a lot of belongings and you guys are lucky these days with all the high technology cars and public transport”… Then…when they were explaining to you… you feel like getting off because you so do not want to hear their lengthy stories… and from one story to one another… Wait if we notice, most of the task and things they did last time are heavily involved their physical and strength.. No tools to assist them… Remember the Great Wall of China….how do they build it? No cranes and tractors…No expert engineering and No great maths calculation..All is just basic with mind and Intelligence of a person…..Team work as well to form a final result of their wanted objective.

Now back to the write-up by  Julian Bleecker's article of "A Manifesto of for Networked Objects - Cohabiting with Pigeons, Arphids and Aibos in the Internet of Things" highlighted that objects are actually communicates with human… Sounds scary don’t you think?... Take a simple example like Computers where you type what you want and the screen appears as your choice… You type “Hello” and screen displays “Hello”…. Now that’s what I meant communicating with humans… It can be anything like phones, computers, GPS, Television, even your car as well. Everything needs human action to complete up the communication chain to make sure the objects will function. If we look further, there are new technologies like robot cleans up your house that simply replaces a maid that people these days are so afraid of hiring a maid mainly due to some abuses their family members and so on. Peace of mind with robotic maid to do your house chores. Even then, there are smart cars that could alert driver when driving dangerously or automatically brake when it detects another car in fornt. Manufacture like Volvo has implement into their cars to ensure safety of driver and occupant are well maximize as much as possible.. So do not worry of falling asleep and crashing someone’s rear anymore..Looking back to mobile phones technology like the latest iPhone 4s that enables voice detection “SIRI” that automatically detects what a person says. For instance “Call Mr Danny now”.and the phone will follow what a user says and there goes…phone call

However, Technology  can fail or stop working anytime. Thus giving people would have hard time to manage what they want. For example, a keyless entry car sensor malfunction..and you would end up calling a tow truck just to send your car for repair. Things like this are bound to happen because technology fails after certain time and they are like humans too..Technology implement will malfunction after sometime due to tear and wear on the object. (Just like our cars, after certain time, we require to repair and replace worn out parts to ensure its working again)

What do you think? Do we need humans to perform task or technology will manage it even better?


  1. Hello Weng Loong! Great post here with all the relevant examples! In relating to your question whether do we need technology to manage us human's work, I would say, we do need technology to assist us in our work and routines but to have it completely outrun and do everything for us seems to me that if this is the case, the future of human beings would be really lazy.

    We have smartphones, car sensors, medical devices helping us out and to a certain extend, they are really helpful and can save lives and create good business as well, but along the way, such concept would be misused that even the littlest things we would need technology to help us out with.

    When these kind of belittle technology devices appears just for the sake of lazy human, then it will propose a problem. If this happens, human will be super dependent on technologies that we'll end up like the fat citizens from the movie Wall E where everyone is just too obese to walk so they end up lying down while technology devices do their work.

    It is also true that since we're talking about Blogjects, network, technology, there's bound to be some break down or "technical problems" as we say. When the time comes, I feel everything will go haywire and chaotic. It will be like domino, a chain of reaction, a breakdown after another which complicates things. This is one of the setbacks of technologies!

    I hope I did answer and provide my point of view clearly to your question. Thanks for this insightful post, Weng Loong!

  2. Hey Weng Loong

    I like the fact you you made a very contrasting example of how our grandparents time as well as ancestor's time did not require any cutting edge technology to run things for them whilst today most of us are so dependent on technology,it is no wonder there is such a huge gap between the generation of now and the past, they just can't see eye to eye.

    On another note, I also agree with your views about how technology can fail on us, after all we have seen even the most best kept laptops can succumbs to hardware malfunctions. Despite the advancement of technology people should take into consideration as to not to rely on them too much as they can fail on us any time without warning.

  3. Hello Loong,
    YES I AGREE with you we do need human to do jobs these days. it be amazing if I have robot to clean my house and i can dismiss my maid. It will save my cost and energy telling her what to do every single day.
    But again it is very subjective if at all the technology fails on us? where would we be and how would we manage our lives. I would say it is a strange concept topic which keeps us thinking. I think it will make us lazier and we are only going to become more dependent upon it as we move into the digitally connected future.

  4. hai Weng Loong...a great post by the way. A great view point on how it was then and now. It actually would be very nice to know that we don't need to do any work at home after a tiring day at work. All will be taken care by robots. A king like feel don't you say. But as u said also, being too dependent on them might just back fire on us. Technology is to make our work easy and not to take over them. This is due to that we are the one's that are going to be on the losing side when the robots tend to go against us. so its best if we always make sure we are in control.

  5. Nice post here. It would be nice at the end human no need to do everything which might become trues. Blogjects are helping in an certain extent. People are now realizing the power of technology and now the software can imply into the machine to helps or serve us better. However, there might be some drawbacks regarding to the technical issues and also the privacy issues. Because it's make up of software and the technology, it might sometimes had the software errors which may not function well and for the privacy issues there might be the tracing back of the records on what we were doing at the past and the information might just been pass through over the net.
