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Thursday 13 October 2011

Twitter changed us?

Twitter.....its all about Tweeting

Twitter twitter twitter... everyone is using it... everybody loves to tell the world what is they are doing.... so I am too... we love let people aware of us... for instance, the moment we enter a cafe.... oh there goes our phones and ready to key in "Having Java Chip at Starbucks"..and your friend reply you.. "Wow, rich man".... so there you go, you feel proud that someone notices your tweets....... then more tweets and more tweets when you head on to other location or maybe you saw something funny...and you tweet... "Lame aunty farting behind me"... then as you walking, a hot girl pass by....there goes your tweeting again "Damn..a hot girl pass by, wish to say HI".... ..


Tweeting will never ever ends; it happens every single seconds, minutes, days..... ever since twitter was introduced in 2006, people were not aware of this service offered as Facebook was so new and demand of registering Facebook were so high and people prefer facebook than Friendster... I repeat!, most Friendster user shift to Facebook when it was introduce to the world. Well, people prefer Facebook due to the fresher look and easy use that time compare to Friendster...However, things changes few years later after the introduction of Twitter..... People prefer conveying simple and short messages yet meaningful in it without the need of wrting long lenghty sentences... "Im Home"...and tweet...there you go... 

Twitter has dramatically changes the way people communicates, as according to Johnson it further explain in few sub categories like:

You need followers..otherwise?  

News and Opinion:
If we see twitter these days, and with the latest smartphones that enable us to tweet more, it makes life easier... looking few years back, where 2006 is the introduction of Twetter, nobody aware of it and most users are only able to tweet whenever they have their computer with them.. I MEAN DESKTOP AND LAPTOP...no no no no IPAD!!.... but now, it makes us to share any information quicker at anytime with the help of latest smartphones technology and application like TweetDeck, Andriod Tweeter , Iphone for Tweeter easier to share our information to among our followers (friends). Furthermore, it makes information (news) to reach faster to others that would help human mankind easier..for instance "Alert, those staying near beach area stay out!..tsunami" or "Tsunami in Pulau Pinang"......short and simple, people would able to know it and react fast to prevent going there.... see.....smartphones+tweeter=bravo.

Can we call people whom regularly tweets busybody?...Maybe!... just like search engine or weblogs where you look upon when comes to food review or where to go for Christmas, or best Nasi Lemak in Malaysia.... tweeter do provide the similar functions too.... Think again when you checking out your tweets reply and one of your friends mention, "Nasi Lemak @ Ipoh Town best!"... So indirectly you would know where to go when you hunt for Nasi Lemak..... you get feedback and ideas at one go..cool?

Twitter nowadays also favor by most organizations because they believe by twitter, it provides a greater way of delivering their message towards targeted audiences which is their followers. Just like Facebook fan page.... lot companies insist people to like their pages and from there on-wards, updates from the company will be notifying in your news feed... simple yet cost free..... as for Twitter, the more followers, it could mean the company itself are more well recognized and even preferred by people.... Imagine a company lets say Samsung. By putting their company profile in Twitter, there are more followers will follow Samsung's profile...so if there is any new product from Samsung, they would tweet it and indirectly, people who follow or added will be notify with latest product from Samsung... lets say the new Samsung Galaxy S III is coming out soon.... so tweeters who follow the profile would first to know Samsung is coming out with new phone... wouldn't that be so much better than sending through Emails where 90% of it people would not even open it because they would think is a JUNK MAIL....? with Twitter, the information can reach in split seconds and best to your potential target audience...

However, Twitter may have the dark side of it especially when comes to privacy... there is no privacy especially with these social networking sites... people from anywhere around the world can just check what are you talking about?. and one thing bad about twitter is, anonymous able to see a person's tweet (messages) without even need to sign in to Twitter. They can just type in the person's name and there it goes with all the tweets mention by a person's profile... so come to think of it.... your profile might be stalked by other people.!!! and another problem is, people these days are so crazy on telling the whole circle of friends on what they are doing... or shall I say attention seeker?    some people would just type in sentences like " I am sad".... and there goes the comment/replies... "How are you?" "Take care friend", "Have enough sleep"... Oh well.... I have nothing to say about this.... =)

In the nut shell, Twitter certainly does improve the way we communicate and most importantly, Twitter or even other social networking has dramatically improve our lifestyle and the behavior of newer generation when comes to communicating with others. It might be a good thing because people constantly share information on what's happening...and indirectly, the messages we see would benefit us and some would even save us from being into the same shoe with other people... just like "OMG! Do not buy phones from this seller Mr xxxx he cheated my money"..... well.... at least I will take precaution when buying phones next time =)


  1. Hi Weng Loong!

    I agree that Twitter is (somehow) a faster way to transmit message than Facebook, especially today when Facebook is starting to become so complicated. People would definitely prefer Twitter over Facebook because Twitter still remains its simplicity layout and function ever since it was first developed in 2006. Even when I have both Facebook and Twitter gadget on my smartphone, I would prefer to check out twitter rather than Facebook because Twitter is so simple, in short - people 140 words of update. So what I need to know, I will know it one glance.

    But Facebook is a different story. There's always so much stuff going on on Facebook. Images, videos, statuses. Kinda confusing and time-wasting if I am to read every single one of them.

    I personally think that the simplicity function is one of the most important function of Twitter. I foresee that it will continue to grow. No doubt :)

  2. Hi Weng Loong,

    Now, I know how well is Twitter. But then, in my personal opinion I still prefer Facebook than Twitter. In term of interactivity, Facebook are more strong.

    Also, to me, I do join different social network website, but I seldom log in other than Facebook. And, I do blogging.

    One is not good enough maybe, two is effective, but more than two is too much. I don't see any point to spend time for more than two similar function of social networking site.

  3. yup.. agree with you.
    twitter transmit message even faster than facebook, facebook confused us sometime, because all the latest twitter post will on the bottom, unlike facebook, people skip the news easily. In the sense of advertising, twitter even efficient than facebook.

    By the way, peoples don't like to use twitter due to the word limit, they hardly express their feeling by using a limited words. This two social networking site have their own target audience, some ppls play both often, but some just active in either one.

  4. @suwern
    yeap... i do agree that twitter is much simpler than facebook..even on my smartphone loading twitter is easy and fast but facebook sometimes might take ages to load the content as it is contains pictures and text..but twitter only texts and simple low resolution picture.... and in a way...simplicity like what you mentioned is always people prefer... imagine getting yourself a new phone but the functions are so complicated...would you happy with it? and twitter with the 140 words simply make huge alot different compared to facebook as we post what we feel likes any time or even just 1 second we are able to do so..BUT facebook? try to post every single minute and people would say "show off"...haha

  5. @serene
    well, yeah..to up a certain extend, facebook is better than twitter as we get to check out our friends photos, post, comments, or even play some games in facebook to kill boredrom. But to me, simplicity is still the best which twitter is much prefered choice..especially when I am hurry or stuck in a jam...reading people tweeets can be fun too...rather than opening up my facebook account and scroll through comments 1 by 1 which sometimes laggy and time consuming... no hard feelings serene =)...just my matter of opinion. cheers

  6. @siew mun
    yeap...agree with you... twitter is for busy people who wants to spread out their voices but at a short length of words....and facebook, i would rather say for people who have alot of free times and there goes viewing people's picture and playing game online...so each has the own way of doing it.

  7. Well, Internet really does change our life dramatically, don't you think so? When you started to post the short status about your feeling, actually is no one cares. But in Twitter or other social networking sites, everyone is doing the same way. Just like you said, people are all attention seeker nowadays. What's make people to become like this? I think is because the immediacy update from the social networking sites or more importantly with the feedback you can feel that you are been concerned by someone, at least. Think further, I personally think that this is some kind of disease. Attention seeker disease. Nice point you had stated for the privacy issues. When comes to online, there are no way for us to hide our personal information. Nice post Weng Loong!
