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Saturday 29 October 2011

Wikileaks? The Truth of it

Do you know what is wikileaks? Have you heard of it?... some may say its similar to wikipedia?...Well this is the real explanation of wikileaks all about.

" WikiLeaks is a not-for-profit media organisation. Our goal is to bring important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for sources to leak information to our journalists (our electronic drop box). One of our most important activities is to publish original source material alongside our news stories so readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth. We are a young organisation that has grown very quickly, relying on a network of dedicated volunteers around the globe. Since 2007, when the organisation was officially launched, WikiLeaks has worked to report on and publish important information. We also develop and adapt technologies to support these activities". -http://wikileaks.org/About.html

Ever since wikileaks was founded, we started to see what's more than that and we actually know who is the main fault especially like the US and Iraq war... from the video, the US army shooting Iraq people even the innocents ones. Should we say US is right with all their claims on cable tv that Iraq is a terrorist country and have the rights to shoot them all down.... and we think deeply and start analyzing with one simple question "Who started it first?"... People around the world might able to recap the 911 incident that 2 airplanes crashed the 2 state of the art building in New York in 2001...but does that means all Iraqi must die just because of the action done by those terrorism like Osama Bin Laden? Have a look on the videos and decide. 

and this

killing the innocent ones?...

Without this, I would think, people would still only know whatever the authorities reported in news... we would pretty in the dark side of the world and would not know the truth of a problem. People are faced in two different realities which is the collateral damange and also collateral murder which is a very serious matter and people would need to know the truth of it....Personally, I think WikiLeaks indeed exposed the world and people about all the hidden secrets and "more juicy" information that we are not aware of. In fact, WikiLeaks also will be the best source of information that people these days tend to believe more than what is reported in the news or cable TV.....with all the flexibility of accessing Internet everywhere, WikiLeaks will be the best medium to convey all kinds of information that far beyond from what we use to read, listen, watch from the local news.

Another example would be politics, we know politics are dirty and what they tell the public are other way round as well to make the public to believe its true and taking Malaysia into the context, Malaysia kini.com acts similar like WikiLeaks by spreading all the "extra or secret" news that happen to Malaysia especially the politic sides. Well, I would say people are more interested to know the truth in the website rather that reading the daily newspaper because all are covered by the government... it happen not in Malaysia only BUT everywhere..... even the US war with Iraq... that is where WikiLeaks play a role in revealing more juicier information to the world and MOST IMPORTANTLY, they done it with PROOF of video and photos so that their news are credible, thus people would believing it more.


  1. Hi Weng Loong!

    I'm glad that you highlighted the fact that people today would tend to read news from sources such as WikiLaks because the traditional media are governed by the government. Never thought of that! I agree wholeheartedly with your statement on that. Sometimes when we read the papers we know that there ought to be some cover-up. But when we come to think about it, why do you think these cover-ups are necessary, or unnecessary?

    In fact, when government tries to cover-up something in the past, we won't be able to realize it. But today, it's a whole new story. The reason? Internet. When Internet first appeared, we doubt the news published on web pages. But today, we are seeing more and more proofs regarding certain topics that we are not able to see from our newspapers and TV news. And of course, it's just human nature for us to dig more information about a certain news we are interested in.

    Certain news (especially news related to politics) tend to be handled with more care. Why these cover-ups? What will happen if the public know the "truth"? It will definitely be chaotic. That's why WikiLeaks stepped out and takes the place as the "true journalist" without any restrictions or boundaries in reporting the truth.

    Reflecting on your post about the ways WikiLeaks expose the hidden truth to the public, I would say that the Internet has indeed given the journalism industry a huge advantage. It's hard to describe videos with words, and the Internet has the ability to show you the exact video, not forgetting the speed of news-publishing.

    WikiLeaks exist because of the Internet. It's an undeniable & obvious fact. Perhaps, instead of focusing on cover-ups, government/organization should instead reflect on the "truth" they do not want to expose, and take action in solving the problem before it becomes too late.

  2. @suwern
    i agree...certain news need to be covered up for the sake of the nation... just like our lovely Malaysian...all news are filtered as much as possible leaving the benefitial and other non related to the citezen posted in the local news... BUT...we have to think that, people these days owns at least a laptop or not a smartphone...and with all the attractive Internet and data plan packages from local carrier services, accessing to Internet and digging out the secret or hidden information is not a hard thing compare to past years. For example, the past riot/protest Bersih 2.0 happen in our country, most of the major online news like malaysia kini or kosmo claimed that our police forces kick and hit the poor citizens....even with the evidence of picture too... facebook all about..we see that clearly.... BUT the goverment mentioned in local news like TV3, The Star claimed that they did not perform those harmful acts to the citizen.. NOW...where is the justice and moment of thrutfulness.... people these days are smarter than ever before and i think like what i mentioned they prefer reading online updates rather than our local papers... (would newspaper die one day?) due to filtered news as i believe people loves to read hot and juicy yet more real information these days.... anyway..back to wikileak...it would be the best medium that changes the whole journalism industry and the way people delivering news... there is no more runing to the scene, then back to office and writes the article...time is changing..... =)

  3. Hey Weng Loong!

    I like the fact you highlighted on people needs to know the fact happening behind the scenes especially during a news broadcast over the international television which mostly lots of filtering is done when is on international level media. However, sometimes filtering a particular news could really distort the news as you mention and is somehow putting people in the dark side of the world. Sometimes there just needs a balance of both regulation and the truth of news. Due to the fact of having order within the country, but most importantly the developer must ensure that the news cover up is somehow a news that doesn't affect the public in a great ordeal. The news shouldn't be a news which could actually spark a war in the country causing chaos and panic to happen within the country.

  4. Hey Long,
    Your article has highlighted the important points on this lecture. yes the reason why people these days rely on news from wiki-leaks because the newspaper is no longer pro citizen but pro government. i think that is why the society have y shift to the new media to gain information about politics and country which is secretive. Besides that they are able to get news which is not on the newspaper due to the limited space where else with the new media there are empathy of space and able to provide a vast information's to the society.
    I would like to highlight the reason why the government has certain policy and restricts the countries newspaper to reveal certain information to the public because they do not want to scare or worry the public.

  5. Hey Weng Loong

    I have to agree with Meg that there are somethings that the government does not want the public to know not because they want to cover up but is to ensure the harmony and peace will not be affected at the same time not to cause any mass panic. There somethings that are just never meant for the public to know because even if they do they won't know the full story.

  6. Hi Weng Loong, thanks for telling all this.

    I agree with meg, gov restrict publishers to publish certain news that might cause social issue. But yet, they ignore the citizens have the right to know about it. And what Wikileak had revealed a numbers of them.
