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Tuesday 23 August 2011

Cyberspace? We are family afterall

How do you define Cyberspace? or What comes to your mind when your lecturer or friends mention about Cyberspace? Well, in general... Cyberspace is basically activities that carried out in a form of network through many computers around the world and form a bigger networks or in simple we called it "Internet".... However in olden days,  "Cyberspace" could meant lot of things for instance of two telephone conversations or even activities that carried out via online as a form of communication. Today, Cyberspace is a strong word that clearly describes as a powerful tool that connects to people around the world with activities and communication based on the Internet or Global Technology so that it can be widely used by any one. Furthermore, come to think at it especially these days, we are constantly connected to Cyberspace.. or to said that.. we are Cyberspace community after all..as no matter where we go..we are connected to one whole same network to manage everything we want from the Internet... It is like our parents that provide us with all kinds of information when we are in need of help.

What's more, we rely on Cyberspace all the time. When you bathing, When you having your meal, When meeting your first ever dating session, or even the time before your bedtime... We are like so addicted to Cyberspace that we are like high in drugs... we uses it every single time whenever and whatever we do that is where everyone can afford Internet these days easily. We have the flexibility of using wireless Broadband and hook up with your laptop just to do your daily Internet activity, or even hook up your smartphones to keep updated with your social networking feeds/updates... what do you say? Are you one of them?...I am sure you are..even me too !

Adding to that,  cyberspace had also been defined as way of building up some social network community and create a larger circle of friends for people these days... I am talking about social networking like Facebook, Twitter, High 5, My Space for SURE!... this has greatly changes the way of cyberspace means because people uses Internet as a form of medium to improve their communication skills not forgetting getting to know more people for their contacts too!. Keep in touch or spy on your latest friends update and turn it into a gossip or share with others... It generally a more entertained society these days compare to olden days where only talks about "OH Lets hunt for the fish" Oh hunt for some woods to light up the fire" or talk about WAR... i meant World War II..... so NOT ANYMORE for US!...
Moving back to the Barlow's reading....

"We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force or station of birth"
What Barlow is trying to say that, with the Internet connection and Computer in front of me... we can just do anything we like and who cares actually what I am doing anyway.. I want to download music, videos at YouTube, do movie booking, online shopping at E-bay, or even write critics about someone in my blog... everybody can just participate Cyberspace without the need of passport or even matters of race or where are you from... as long you have the interest to participate in the community of Cyberspace...you have the freedom to use it anytime you want....oh WAIT!... no one will stop me and also without  worrying on the rules and regulation as like common phrase that favored by people..

Do first, Enjoy first...worry later !!


But... Cyberspace at times can be evil to humans... criminal activities like scamming, faking, hacking, is one of the alarming issues that happen every time... we cant put a stop to it...because bad things dont stop easily unlike good things... "There are some country are trying to set laws for the cyberspace to try to control it"...... every authority jobs are to come out with laws and make people obey it...and as in cyberspace there are rules too as government's priority is to keep the nation in a safe and peaceful country that prevents from any unpleasant issues occur in Cyberspace.... if you posted something bad about the government... you might get caught especially in countries like Malaysia. The moment you post up and there goes the "news" will spread like wild fire. Government's can help in preventing online illegal activities in the net... with government's and the nation help..things get done faster too.....

In the nutshell...Cyberspace provide all kinds of needs we want but its up to us on how to utilize it... when you think is good...praise it...when you think its bad..critic it badly... but adding to that, Cyberspace has greatly changes the way society behaves in all kind of ways and also lifestyle..... everything just gets faster after all... We are a family=We share they same habit when comes to Internet


  1. Yes! We share the same habit when comes to Internet! Hahaha. If we were to list out top 5 most frequent surfed website. I pretty sure everyone will be ALMOST the same! hahaha

    It's true that if we say something bad about the government and we might get caught. ISA and OSA huh. No matter how free we are in the cyberspace, we shall still choose our words wisely.

    High in drugs is drug addicts, so we're cyberspace addicts?! HAHA
    Nice post! =D

  2. I'm agree how to describe the cyberspace as cyberspace is a tool for you to connect anyone around the world. No one will stop us whenever we using cyberspace as is our own interest, right and habit. So, no one can stop us! Yeah, people is addicted to cyberspace, even myself, I can't don't log in facebook everyday and even using a mobile phone to access internet whenever there got wifi. Abang Loong, thanks for telling us that. :)

  3. @jia xin & mei leng

    thanks for dropping by my page...and yeah... internet is our drugs....we rely so much until sometimes we feel handicap without it... true?..haha...

  4. Impressive. m enjoy reading your post.
    Yes, I'm agree what u state that, cyberspace used to connect all of us together at once, we can connected to each other,through Social networking, we can meet up some new friend or even we didn't meet up before,or it could found some old friends.

    But it's also consider the "Freedom of speech", because we can express ourselves in this cyberspace, sometime we might hurt someone unintentionally. :S

    we can meet a new friend or

  5. A fun and easy post to read. Great job on the blog post! :)

    I agree more than 100% than most of us are addicted to this drug called "internet and social networking". It's scary to think kids nowadays can work the computer and electrical gadgets better than I can! I am glad that we have that connectivity, but seeing people on their hps always, not talking to people when they are around people worries me. Although they are bigger crimes like scams, viruses, hackers, this problem of us becoming more anti-social can pose a big threat to the current and future generation in terms of their social skills and human relations. We are afterall human beings, and even though internet can fill up some voids and empty spaces, it cannot fully copy the function of a human being. We and the future must be able to distinguish what is real and what is virtual, and not get too sucked into this "social media" trend. I don't know what the specific consequences might be - but I know for sure that it can be grave if we do not take a look into it soon.

    What do you think? :)

  6. Hi Long,

    I like how you explained your understanding on cyberspace, it's very easy to understand.

    I agree with you that there are restrictions, even here in Malaysia. For example, certain videos can't be viewed on youtube.

    I also agree with you on the fact that we constantly rely on the internet. Some of us, even when we are eating are online. which makes us "multitaskers".

    Our generation, we mostly rely on mobile gadgets which allows us to use the media including the internet wherever we are. With that said, it makes it much easier to access the internet even if we are on the go, which possibly could lead us to be addicted to the internet as you mentioned.

    Nice reading you blog, will definitely visit again to view your opinions.

  7. Hey Weng Loong

    Yes! The internet is a drug indeed! We are always hooked on it everyday and can barely survive a day without it. Because internet is like a drug people tend to abuse it, like what stated that some would use it for criminals activities and therefore the government is trying to impose laws on cyberspace. I personally feel that a law should be impose but not a draconian law like in Malaysia, but a law to fight cyber crime instead as cyber crime is beginning to become an issue worth noting. So long technology continue to advance cyber crime too will follow.
