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Friday 4 November 2011

We dont need humans to do the job!

Flash back during our grandparent’s time…and we are so use to listen to their great old time stories like “Do you know? Mother travel 10miles by walking and carrying a lot of belongings and you guys are lucky these days with all the high technology cars and public transport”… Then…when they were explaining to you… you feel like getting off because you so do not want to hear their lengthy stories… and from one story to one another… Wait if we notice, most of the task and things they did last time are heavily involved their physical and strength.. No tools to assist them… Remember the Great Wall of China….how do they build it? No cranes and tractors…No expert engineering and No great maths calculation..All is just basic with mind and Intelligence of a person…..Team work as well to form a final result of their wanted objective.

Now back to the write-up by  Julian Bleecker's article of "A Manifesto of for Networked Objects - Cohabiting with Pigeons, Arphids and Aibos in the Internet of Things" highlighted that objects are actually communicates with human… Sounds scary don’t you think?... Take a simple example like Computers where you type what you want and the screen appears as your choice… You type “Hello” and screen displays “Hello”…. Now that’s what I meant communicating with humans… It can be anything like phones, computers, GPS, Television, even your car as well. Everything needs human action to complete up the communication chain to make sure the objects will function. If we look further, there are new technologies like robot cleans up your house that simply replaces a maid that people these days are so afraid of hiring a maid mainly due to some abuses their family members and so on. Peace of mind with robotic maid to do your house chores. Even then, there are smart cars that could alert driver when driving dangerously or automatically brake when it detects another car in fornt. Manufacture like Volvo has implement into their cars to ensure safety of driver and occupant are well maximize as much as possible.. So do not worry of falling asleep and crashing someone’s rear anymore..Looking back to mobile phones technology like the latest iPhone 4s that enables voice detection “SIRI” that automatically detects what a person says. For instance “Call Mr Danny now”.and the phone will follow what a user says and there goes…phone call

However, Technology  can fail or stop working anytime. Thus giving people would have hard time to manage what they want. For example, a keyless entry car sensor malfunction..and you would end up calling a tow truck just to send your car for repair. Things like this are bound to happen because technology fails after certain time and they are like humans too..Technology implement will malfunction after sometime due to tear and wear on the object. (Just like our cars, after certain time, we require to repair and replace worn out parts to ensure its working again)

What do you think? Do we need humans to perform task or technology will manage it even better?

Google's Mr Andy vs Apple OS- That is a serious business

Google= Android =Do YOU ?

Upon spending time on reading the journal by Daniel Roth's write up, where "Google's Open Source OS Will Free the Wireless Web" gave me a whole lot better indepth understanding about the company is. Most people would know that Google is a search engine website... but? They actually owns an operating system that most of the people using these days in their smartphones which is Andriod OS… or sometimes we would refer to the cute little green robot (Mr.Andy).  With almost 13years till date, Google has became a top world’s wanted company and listed high ranking around the world. Not to mentioned with their own smartphones operating system that simply boost up the company’s image as well. No other company can developed and improved so fast especially when involve in making their own operating system that almost problem and bug free up to today’s sales in their smartphone market. However, linking back olden days.. most of us do not know what is a smartphone is OR even majority would uses a cellphone that comes with the company propriety software that includes basic function of a cellphone is. 10years back, we only have smartphones that operating in Symbian OS, and Palm OS. This two operating system were used in most of the high end phones like the Nokia 9210i, Nokia 9500 Communicator series or Sony Ericsson UIQ 8.0. Soon Nokia smartphones begin to strike attention from public with the introduction of their N-Series line up phones like N90,N93 and so on…

Which ?


The joy and excitement for the Finnish company is short as more and more operating system being introduced in the market. It all started with Blackberry’s OS, then Apple Ios, Google Android OS…wait…that’s not all as even the Koreans from Samsung do introduces their own OS which is Bada OS, and then Bill Gates decided to play the game as well by refreshing their Windows Mobile OS to Windows 7 platform. With so many operating systems being introduced, we can see most of the manufacturer has the option to choose what kind of software to install into their smart devices. As for today, we can see the society are becoming more technology savvy especially with all the latest smartphones and tablet pc..and some even say it replaces our conventional laptops too. Well…great innovation isn’t ?

Are you Android or Apple?

If we look around…how many of your friends are using Android and Apple IOS?..Well, from my point of view. I would say Apple iPhone did the best in term of sales as most of my friends are using iPhone and according to them, iPhone provides the best flexibility and best gadget to own compare to other Smartphone in the market. With the strong marketing and influence from Apple, there is no doubt that people switches their current phone just to get an iPhone. However, speaking in terms of the software itself, I would rather say iPhone has a lot of limitations especially their Apple Apps Store where users require to purchase every single application they want that leads to many of the users jailbreak their phone in order to enjoy the apps only. Furthermore, the connectivity is rather limited where as I can recall that iPhone has built in Bluetooth but that feature is only for headset and not for trasfering file. This reminds me of one of my friends that want to transfer a picture to computer and later found out that iPhone does not have the transfer feature. So not user friendly after all….wait that does not count the Bluetooth itself…there are couple of issues too…like offering lower specs function like camera, screen resolution and now bragging about their so call “SIRI” voice recognition?...even earlier Nokia can do that.

Rumor to be releasing new V4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich?)

As for Android, I also would like to point out that, Android platform is purely based on Linux-kernel where there are huge group of developer and programmer to create an operating system. This simply saves time and resulting in fewer bugs in the operating system too. Since Android has an open source market, this would means Android accepts more feedback from the user and customize based on user choice to develop an application and constantly upgrade their application to make sure it is able to run smoothly. If there is anything wrong in a software, users will complain in the Android forum and developers will work on it as soon as possible. Thanks to the Linux based platform, Andriod gets the same treatment I would say....BUT Apple IOS?...Wait,Wait, Wait….oh well...same applications afterall..

Relating back to the write-up, between both software, I would think that the growth of Internet certainly gives the user of more flexibility in using their devices anywhere they one. There will be more freedom for the users as most of the telecommunication companies are offering data plan that simply help in further improvement of the respective software company. However the main differences of these software is mainly the idea and authoritarian towards the development as it simply helps a company in their future development..or where they will stand in few years time. Google is a great example to learn where it all started with 2 guys without any skills BUT what we see today in our Android based phones is simply tremendous from a little hideous search engine that people use to poke fun of it. Today, we see the owns an operating system that most of the major mobile phone company like HTC, Samsung, Motorola, Alcatel, Sony Ericson chooses Android as their major platform because they believe Android and Google will succeed in the future and the best operating system to market their phones too!. (Even Sony Erisson shifted from Symbian to Android)….so what you say?

In the nutshell, the society these days are clearly demanding more and more powerful tools that soon we will see desktops and laptops might even die off in later years..Replacing with smartphones and tablet pc. Google’s route is definitely a good way in terms of earning profitable revenues and getting good repo from people around the world. 
*with the tremendous growth and popularity of Google's Android in the market...I would think that great old operating like Symbian OS, Palm OS, Meamo would eventually forgotten in the future...even now some people do not know there are these operating system in mobile phone...due to strong market share in promoting Android and Apple devices. What do you think? Should other software be continue with further improvement or just make it die off?

Thursday 3 November 2011

Facebook and Twitter- medium that revolutionaries go

Upon reading the article about Facebook and Twitter are just places revolutionaries go by Evgeny Morozov, I came across that some part of it is true.

Facebook & Twitter=Which one you prefer?

Ever since the introduction of Frienster, Facebook, High 5, My Space and Twitter to the public, it begins the trend to create at least one accounts and some multiple accounts just to fill up more friend lists. It all started with the first social network site which is the Friendster where even I myself also do join the community to create an account just for the sake of not left behind and also due to my circle of friends too. According to Evgeny Morozov, he pointed that with all the latest technology devices like smartphones and tablet pc, browsing these social networking websites is never a  problem anymore. Just click and surf…easy and straight to the point.

However, I do agree that social networking that is popular right now like Facebook or Twitter that it is the platform to a revolution. Like for example, our lovely Facebook account, if there is some issue being done in the account, they would targeted by people like protesters. Thousands and thousands all kinds of campaign or face book fan page being created just to attract more activist. Well, one factor could be our local media like newspaper (The Star, New Straits Time, Utusan) where everything is filtered and in today’s world, with the booming and advancement of Internet, people know more that what media says in front of daily news or our newspaper main page. Take our closest protest held this year where Bersih 2.0 demands for clean elections. What is shown on TV, Radio and Newspaper is not 100% true thanks to the online media from the Internet that highlighted the truth especially on what our local police done towards the citizen (kicking, punching, road blocking major highway that causes terrible jam and so on).Do you think if you seeking for truth and are you given the chance to voice out or even show on the newspaper or local TV news? This is the power of facebook and twitter helps in giving people voicing out their dissatisfaction without fearing getting caught!

Then, Facebook & Twitter would definetly greatly helped in getting protests and to let people know, there are human rights and all kinds of rights when someone did wrong.
We could not stand blindly and pretend nothing to happen and this are just only to highlight what went wrong and to let people know that there are such things happen. However, every country does have their own problems like Malaysia, every day we open up the main front newspaper, POLITICS..Never stop….. and for my opinion, I would think that Facebook and Twitter are just a basic social networking that indirectly help many people like for instance an organization. organization these days created an account to keep people up to date on their latest products and so on. Take “Chatime” for instance because of the popularity of drinking pearl milk tea is so crazy among teenagers in Malaysia. So by keeping people stay up to date on latest offerings and new outlets, the company can create a Facebook or a Twitter page to spread their information fast and best of all is to the right target audience. They also can know how many people aware of their company simply by viewing their “Like” page and by “Followers” for Twitter.  

In the nutshell, we cannot say Facebook or Twitter is bad…or simply just banned it like what China does, but it simply depends an INDIVIDUAL on how they uses these tools for up to their needs.